The Syndicate Of Heroes is a comic book series written and illustrated exclusively by me, Harrison Toomer! 

When a meteor unexpectedly crashes to earth it uncovers an alien conspiracy that threatens the well-being of every human being alive. But who will defend the planet? Doctor Paradox, Gladiatrix, Black Conjuress, Lightspeed, Rex, Battlemaid, and Automaton - the newly formed Syndicate Of Heroes, a team of superpowered people living under an abandoned railway station. When they realize the scope of what they will face in the coming days, they set out to recruit more superpowered people to fight for the human race in a battle that will define history.
Read Syndicate Of Heroes for free on or by clicking below!
Concept Art Gallery
Part II - Kaya Quasar Outfits
Part II - Kaya Quasar Outfits
Part II - Queen Quasar Outfits
Part II - Queen Quasar Outfits
Part II - Elim Soldiers Outfits
Part II - Elim Soldiers Outfits
Part III - Connor McCarthy 'Super Duper' Outfits
Part III - Connor McCarthy 'Super Duper' Outfits
Part IV - William White 'Phantom Man' Outfits
Part IV - William White 'Phantom Man' Outfits
Part IV - William White's Family
Part IV - William White's Family
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